Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tulip Time!

Just a reminder for anyone who lives in Las Vegas. . .Now is the time to refrigerate your tulip bulbs! We are in zone 9 and they should be kept refrigerated for 6-8 weeks before planting. Planting should be around the first week of December. Star Nursery has a great selection right now. If you live in the Northeast, or any area up to Zone 5, tulips should already be planted. If you are in Zone 6-8, this is the perfect time to plant. Perhaps you were looking for a project this weekend?

Normal planting of tulips is 6" deep, but in the desert area where the soil is sandy, you should plant them a couple of inches deeper. This is also beneficial because the soil is cooler the deeper you plant the bulb. Plant in full sun and in a well drained area.

I like to plant bulbs in all the same color and my favorite color of tulip is orange. If you like to mix colors, I would suggest mixing complimentary colors like pink and purple or orange and red, but nothing drastic like red and yellow.
When you plant a lot of plants together in all the same color, this is called color blocking. If you will notice large hotels or shopping centers you will see that they use this technique. The solid color looks much more appealing than many mixed colors. Look around and you will see what I am talking about. Below is a picture from the Conservatory at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. They always use color blocking in their displays.

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