Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flower Centerpiece that Anyone can do!

Arranging flowers isn't everyone's forte, but I am going to show you a quick and easy (and very inexpensive) way to make a great centerpiece for a table.

Step one:
Select a Container
You can use almost anything for a flower container. If you don't have a regular vase, try a small candle holder or even a juice glass. I have even used a tooth brush holder! I recommend using a ceramic container or colored glass to disguise the floral foam. If you use clear glass, you will need to use leaves, moss or stones to hide the foam. Spray paint also works great on clear glass!

Step Two:
Fill the container with Foam
You can find foam at any craft store, Walmart or florist. The foam from a florist is the best quality, but it is also a bit more expensive. Always soak your foam before putting it in the container. The best way to soak foam is to fill your sink or a container with water, place the foam on top and let it soak until it is saturated. Do not "force soak" the foam by pushing it under water. Doing this creates air bubbles in the middle of your foam. If your stem is put into an area of the foam that was never saturated, your bloom will not have any access to water.

Step Three:
Choose your favorite flower
If you choose to design with a smaller bloom, you may want to use a grouping of 4 or 6 stems, depending on the size; however, in this arrangement, I am using a single large bloom to show you how you can create something beautiful with such little effort. For this arrangement, I am using a Dahlia, but you could also use Fugi Mums (or Spider Mums) or Gerbera Daisies. Depending on the container, cut your stem about 1" long and place in the center of the container (or arrange accordingly if you are using a grouping of stems).

Step Four:
Trim with moss or greens
After your bloom or blooms are in place, use green sheet moss or Spanish moss to fill the edges. If you are working with green sheet moss, it is best to wet the moss before you start using it. This makes it much easier to work with and a lot less messy!

Step Five:
That's it! That's all it takes to create this small and beautiful arrangement. Make one of these to set as an accent in your kitchen, bathroom or nightstand, or create a series of these to use as a centerpiece on the dining table. The ideas are endless!

1 comment:

♥ JaYmE ♥ said...

This is an absolutely gorgeous setting, and finally something simple that someone like me can try! Todd, your work is amazing. You are an artist of the highest esteem.